East Sarajevo

East Sarajevo, nestled at the foothills of Trebević, is a modern city with exceptional connectivity to Sarajevo Airport and tourist attractions in Sarajevo, as well as the Olympic mountains – Trebević and Jahorina. Modern buildings, shopping centers, restaurants, and cafes create a dynamic atmosphere. This city attracts travelers seeking an urban adventure while simultaneously desiring to immerse themselves in the natural beauty within arm’s reach.

East Sarajevo, nestled at the foothills of Trebević, is a modern city with exceptional connectivity to Sarajevo Airport and tourist attractions in Sarajevo, as well as the Olympic mountains – Trebević and Jahorina. Modern buildings, shopping centers, restaurants, and cafes create a dynamic atmosphere. This city attracts travelers seeking an urban adventure while simultaneously desiring to immerse themselves in the natural beauty within arm’s reach.

East Sarajevo

  • Population: 25,821
  • Municipalities of East Ilidza and East New Sarajevo
  • Part of City of Istocno Sarajevo
  • Area: 61 km²

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